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Unbundling Data Science Workflows with Metaflow and AWS Step Functions

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by David Berg, Ravi Kiran Chirravuri, Romain Cledat, Jason Ge, Savin Goyal, Ferras Hamad, Ville Tuulos
Machine Learning for a Better Developer Experience

ios免费加速器试用7天- 坚果海外加速器

By Stanislav Kirdey, William High

ios免费加速器试用7天- 坚果海外加速器

安卓手机助手-PP助手官网:PP助手是一款专业的手机助手,让您的安卓手机更简单好用,轻松管理心爱手机。免费下载应用、视频和音乐、管理通讯录 ...
Byte Down: Making Netflix’s Data Infrastructure Cost-Effective

ios免费加速器试用7天- 坚果海外加速器

By Torio Risianto, Bhargavi Reddy, Tanvi Sahni, Andrew Park
Netflix Studio Engineering Overview

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An Introduction to Innovative Engineering within the Studio and Productions

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By Hank Jacobs, Senior Site Reliability Engineer on CORE
Hyper Scale VPC Flow Logs enrichment to provide Network Insight

ios免费加速器试用7天- 坚果海外加速器

By Hariharan Ananthakrishnan and Angela Ho
How Netflix brings safer and faster streaming experience to the living room on crowded networks…

ios免费加速器试用7天- 坚果海外加速器

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Bringing 4K and HDR to Anime at Netflix with Sol Levante

Bringing 4K and HDR to Anime at Netflix with Sol Levante

助海外华人访问国内应用,低延迟畅玩国服游戏-神龟加速器官网‎:2021-8-1 · 每天可免费 使用 24小时运维支持 安全保障 神龟加速器加速器致力于为海外华人提供访问国内网络加速服务,覆盖全球所有国家,更有神 龟独有加速引擎。快速开启国内各直播平台,帮你解决在国外看国内视频,音乐卡顿等 ...
SVT-AV1: an open-source AV1 encoder and decoder

网络加速|网络加速器|免费加速器|上网加速器-ZOL软件下载:2021-5-19 · 迅雷网游加速器 永久免费版 大小: 36.82MB 更新时间: 2021-04-03 软件类型: 网络加速 免费软件 有 84 条点评» 迅雷网游加速器是由深圳迅雷网络技术有限公司独立研发的第三伟网游加速器,它秉承迅雷“快”的精髓,采用最先进的光纤加速技术,能够最有效改善您的网络环境。

by Andrey Norkin, Joel Sole, Mariana Afonso, Kyle Swanson, Agata Opalach, Anush Moorthy, Anne Aaron
Ready for changes with Hexagonal Architecture

Ready for changes with Hexagonal Architecture

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How Netflix uses Druid for Real-time Insights to Ensure a High-Quality Experience

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By Ben Sykes
Introducing Dispatch

Introducing Dispatch

Netflix is pleased to announce the open-source release of our crisis management orchestration framework: Dispatch!
AVIF for Next-Generation Image Coding

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By Aditya Mavlankar, Jan de Cock, Cyril Concolato, Kyle Swanson, Anush Moorthy and Anne Aaron
Essential Suite — Artwork Producer Assistant

Essential Suite — Artwork Producer Assistant

By: Hamid Shahid & Syed Haq

Netflix Now Streaming AV1 on Android

Golink - 专为海外华人回国加速:2021-2-6 · Golink加速器是专为海外华人设计的一款加速看国内视频、玩国服游戏、听国内音乐,刷直播网页的一款软件,一个账号,多端使用,帮助海外华人突破地域的局限,无忧访问国内各大主流应用。
Open-Sourcing riskquant, a library for quantifying risk

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Netflix has a program in our Information Security department for quantifying the risk of deliberate (attacker-driven) and accidental…
DBLog: A Generic Change-Data-Capture Framework

DBLog: A Generic Change-Data-Capture Framework

Andreas Andreakis, Ioannis Papapanagiotou
Netflix Hack Day — November 2025

Netflix Hack Day — November 2025

Hack Day at Netflix is a time to experiment with new ideas/technologies, engage with colleagues across different disciplines, and have fun!
Open-Sourcing Metaflow, a Human-Centric Framework for Data Science

Open-Sourcing Metaflow, a Human-Centric Framework for Data Science

by David Berg, Ravi Kiran Chirravuri, Romain Cledat, Savin Goyal, Ferras Hamad, Ville Tuulos
Data Compression for Large-Scale Streaming Experimentation

Data Compression for Large-Scale Streaming Experimentation

Julie (Novak) Beckley, Andy Rhines, Jeffrey Wong, Matthew Wardrop, Toby Mao, Martin Tingley

Netflix at AWS re:Invent 2025

by Shefali Vyas Dalal


Better Offline Metrics at Netflix
GraphQL Search Indexing


How we leverage relationships defined in GraphQL to automatically build and maintain a search index on our data with minimal configuration.
Open-sourcing Polynote: an IDE-inspired polyglot notebook

Open-sourcing Polynote: an IDE-inspired polyglot notebook

Jeremy Smith, Jonathan Indig, Faisal Siddiqi
Open Sourcing Mantis: A Platform For Building Cost-Effective, Realtime, Operations-Focused…

E变伟理:对于企业来说,确实是一款得心用手的好软件 使用e变IP伟理软件一年多,无论从产品设计上、IP连接性稳定性、软件功能上都有很好的,操作方便,支持定时切换、快捷键切换等功能,能很好的提高工作效率。

By Jeff Chao on behalf of the Mantis team
ML Platform Meetup: Infra for Contextual Bandits and Reinforcement Learning

ML Platform Meetup: Infra for Contextual Bandits and Reinforcement Learning

Faisal Siddiqi
How Netflix microservices tackle dataset pub-sub

How Netflix microservices tackle dataset pub-sub

By Ammar Khaku
Delta: A Data Synchronization and Enrichment Platform

Delta: A Data Synchronization and Enrichment Platform

Part 1: Overview
Evolving Regional Evacuation

Evolving Regional Evacuation

by Niosha Behnam — Demand Engineering @ Netflix
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